What's being run here are two of the worst campaigns ever, and whoever is judged to be the slightly less stupid pair will be the one that wins. At this point it's a toss-up.

Well I wasn't waiting with 'baited breath' for you I *did* notice you hadn't been writing in awhile and wondered what was up, but I did know you were super busy...welcome back!

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I've never really thought of Divali as a holiday that once had a meaning that's been taken away. In a lot of (for lack of a better word) Hindu practices, it's always seemed to me that the meaning comes later: people agree Kali is on top of Shiva, but they disagree as to why. Nobody ever explained a meaning of Divali to me when I was in India as a kid, the way they did with Christmas; it was just something you did.

Have you ever read Vasudha Narayanan's article on "liberation and lentils", in the Journal of the American Academy of Religion? https://www.jstor.org/stable/pdf/1465856.pdf She argues, basically, that a lot of Hindu practice basically was never about the philosophy. She goes further to argue that scholars of religion should really be studying the practices more than the philosophy. As a philosophically inclined religion scholar, I find that frustrating, and I've written about why (for example at https://loveofallwisdom.com/blog/2010/04/protestantism-and-populism-in-religious-studies/ ), but I do take her point that the philosophy and meanings of the rituals are not always the point in practice.

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The democrats dumb Republicans evil meme doesn't apply to politicians,it's for normies who go by vibes.Politicians of both parties have similar personalities and goals,i wouldnt be excepting either be to better or worse.

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A compelling piece!

Though I disagree with "Religious significance has been removed, as though Divali has nothing to do with Hindu philosophy and ideas." ... it completely depends who your sample is:) I do see resurgence of religion among some of my peers while a degradation of it among others.

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> Posts will be less frequent while I get my footing, not that you were waiting with bated breath

I did notice your absence, for what it’s worth. Nice to see your name pop up 🙂

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"I’ve written about my issues with Democrats at length, chief among which is that they will always reach for soaring rhetoric and deliver little or nothing once in office."

As Team D is the political manifestation of the PMC, the credentialed and educated, it stands to reason that they are better at glib symbol manipulation.

Anyway, political roadblocks usually prove no obstacle, when it comes to things that people of influence and authority desire, such as bailing the billionaires out at the casino, or putting another pointless war of aggression on the national credit card.

Assisting icky poor people, with housing or anything else, is not such a priority.

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"...but this banal cliché makes my eye twitch." is my new catch phrase.

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I hope your course went well, and I wish you all the best in your new job!

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The Democratic party of Obama is the Republican party of George W. Bush: austerity at home, endless war abroad.

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More like austerity for the poor, free money for the rich.

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I haven’t forgotten how he did nothing to help people like my parents who lost everything and had to start again from scratch. He was a professional class manager through and through.

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“Why would builders not just make higher-priced homes for the demand we know exists in spades?”

Exactly. Leave aside the style differences or rhetoric about fascism and democracy. Kamala’s policies are either (1) watered down copies of GOP ideas (border security? Fracking?) or (2) disastrous in theory.

I don’t actually think Harris plans to implement her policies (maybe the homebuyer credit-which will only badly inflate home sale prices-or Medicare expansion… but come on). When the best thing you can say about a candidate is ‘she doesn’t seem committed to her bad ideas’ you have a bad candidate.

I’ve been vehemently anti-Trump but I understand that we’re all working with highly distorted and limited information. I trust the sense of Musk, GABBARD, Vance, and Kennedy. I don’t think any of them are fascists or fools so I respect their endorsement.

Democrats need to do some REAL introspection to identify what has gone wrong-but I’m not sure if that’s possible now, given the greed and elitism I see.


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