Jamaal Bowman is a great example of this at play. Another person of color who has focused on the wrong things. He is rhetorically and literally favoring a specific constituency and ignoring the rest of it, esp his Jewish constituents, and we saw the results. His is also unfocused on class and overly focused on race, and we saw this when he voted against the infrastructure bill.
Jamaal Bowman is a great example of this at play. Another person of color who has focused on the wrong things. He is rhetorically and literally favoring a specific constituency and ignoring the rest of it, esp his Jewish constituents, and we saw the results. His is also unfocused on class and overly focused on race, and we saw this when he voted against the infrastructure bill.
I think he is a perfect example. The recent election results are reassuring, but I suspect the entire election will be cast as some exercise in White Supremacy, because in the minds of these rich white ladies, Jews are Nazis. I can kind of understand why White Ladies Who Lunch would hate Asian people (they refuse to be victims, they make their own way, their families are proof that modernity need not destroy children-focused family structures, ...), but the resurgence of Anti-Semitism has been surprising. I never saw that coming. Then again, I never foresaw the entire universal victimhood culture either. We have so much work to do in building a better future, and we are training children to hate themselves and feel self-pity. I cannot help but to think that we have spent the last twenty years going backwards, building up ethnic and racial hatreds. I do not believe that this was unintentional. I think our adversaries in China and Russia have been promoting this, and our sad, pathetic educational system has been their willing useful idiots.
Hopefully the success Trump has had among Latino voters and to a lesser extent African-Americans will hit hard enough to quiet the Progressives and restore some kind of liberal sensibilities in the Democratic Party. My greatest fear is that the Ladies Who Lunch are already so entrenched that there is no longer any working class base upon which the Democrats can restore majoritarian politics.
I don't want trump to win, but if we does, I hope the white ladies in particular see the people of color abandoning democrats and come to their senses. But, much of this will also have to be borne by candidates - they have to be brave enough to buck this class, even if it means elite people of color shout at them for being white supremacists. We have to resist both groups, and there is a strong alliance between elite POC and these affluent white women. That needs to break, and people need to come to their senses as I did. They studiously ignored, for example, all the Latinos who voted for Bernie and the argument was that black voters' preferences had to be heeded as they are the 'backbone'. I see that backbone is slowly disintegrating.
As for asian americans, you are correct. We are conditionally accepted as POC when it's convenient but otherwise our own needs are ignored in favor of other groups, and we get called white supremacist if we don't toe the party line, and I resent this. You are correct that we refuse to be victims.
The antisemitism makes sense in a historical context in that when social structures start breaking down antisemitism rises. What seems also to be ignored is anti-semitism among people of color. I once thought Ilhan Omar was unfairly targeted years ago for this, but now it seems like the norm. Bowman, also, was anti-semitic in his denial of the rapes, and I saw that denial everywhere among young brown people of color on twitter. It was shocking and saddening.
Jamaal Bowman is a great example of this at play. Another person of color who has focused on the wrong things. He is rhetorically and literally favoring a specific constituency and ignoring the rest of it, esp his Jewish constituents, and we saw the results. His is also unfocused on class and overly focused on race, and we saw this when he voted against the infrastructure bill.
I think he is a perfect example. The recent election results are reassuring, but I suspect the entire election will be cast as some exercise in White Supremacy, because in the minds of these rich white ladies, Jews are Nazis. I can kind of understand why White Ladies Who Lunch would hate Asian people (they refuse to be victims, they make their own way, their families are proof that modernity need not destroy children-focused family structures, ...), but the resurgence of Anti-Semitism has been surprising. I never saw that coming. Then again, I never foresaw the entire universal victimhood culture either. We have so much work to do in building a better future, and we are training children to hate themselves and feel self-pity. I cannot help but to think that we have spent the last twenty years going backwards, building up ethnic and racial hatreds. I do not believe that this was unintentional. I think our adversaries in China and Russia have been promoting this, and our sad, pathetic educational system has been their willing useful idiots.
Hopefully the success Trump has had among Latino voters and to a lesser extent African-Americans will hit hard enough to quiet the Progressives and restore some kind of liberal sensibilities in the Democratic Party. My greatest fear is that the Ladies Who Lunch are already so entrenched that there is no longer any working class base upon which the Democrats can restore majoritarian politics.
I don't want trump to win, but if we does, I hope the white ladies in particular see the people of color abandoning democrats and come to their senses. But, much of this will also have to be borne by candidates - they have to be brave enough to buck this class, even if it means elite people of color shout at them for being white supremacists. We have to resist both groups, and there is a strong alliance between elite POC and these affluent white women. That needs to break, and people need to come to their senses as I did. They studiously ignored, for example, all the Latinos who voted for Bernie and the argument was that black voters' preferences had to be heeded as they are the 'backbone'. I see that backbone is slowly disintegrating.
As for asian americans, you are correct. We are conditionally accepted as POC when it's convenient but otherwise our own needs are ignored in favor of other groups, and we get called white supremacist if we don't toe the party line, and I resent this. You are correct that we refuse to be victims.
The antisemitism makes sense in a historical context in that when social structures start breaking down antisemitism rises. What seems also to be ignored is anti-semitism among people of color. I once thought Ilhan Omar was unfairly targeted years ago for this, but now it seems like the norm. Bowman, also, was anti-semitic in his denial of the rapes, and I saw that denial everywhere among young brown people of color on twitter. It was shocking and saddening.